Music Notes

Dear FUMC,

Alan’s sermon this past Sunday on “seeing” Jesus sparked some thoughts for me.  Therefore, I want to begin my newsletter this week by quoting the second verse of the hymn, “Holy Spirit, Faithful Guide.”  That verse says, “Ever present, truest friend, ever near thine aid to lend, leave us not to doubt and fear, groping on in darkness drear; when the storms are raging sore, hearts grow faint and hopes give o’er, whisper softly, ‘wanderer come!  Follow me, I’ll guide thee home.”

During my lifetime, I have known many people whose beliefs were unlike my own.  Now I’m not talking about those who are of the Jewish faith or even those who might be Islamic or other faiths of the world.  No, I’m actually talking about something different.

When I was in college, I had a fraternity brother who would give you the shirt off his back.  He was there for you if you needed help.  He always had a friendly word.  He even let me drive his GTO which I can tell you was a real blast.  But the thing was, he was an Atheist.  He did not believe there was a God.  It puzzled me that a person so kind and good could be an Atheist.  I couldn’t help thinking what a super Christian he would make.

At the same time, I had another fraternity brother who said he had found Jesus.  He attended the Baptist Student Union and actually when I was going through a spiritual desert one of several times in my life, he brought me back to God.  A few years ago, I had the opportunity to talk to him again.  His life seemed to be going pretty well all except for one thing.  He told me that he no longer believed in God.  Why??

My third example is of a younger fraternity brother.  (By now, you are probably thinking that my fraternity wasn’t fostering a spiritual awareness but that was not the case.)  This fellow believes that there is a God who created the world and everything in it and then walked away; leaving us to take care of it the best we can.

I have been very close to all of these guys.  All of them are good people.  One was on fire for Jesus at one time.  But now, none of them are Christian.  It makes me wonder what could have been done differently.  Was the Atheist simply not ever brought to Christ?  Was the one “on fire” hurt so badly that he gave up on God?  Was the person who believes in God but not in God’s involvement set on that path because of something that could have been prevented?  It makes one really think.

And what’s more, could any of us end up like a couple of these men?  I think that it could be possible.  I would like to leave you with this thought.  Be aware of the people around you.  Be sensitive to their concerns and needs.  Don’t see them as a problem but as an opportunity or even a blessing.  You may not even know that someone you see often is groping in darkness while storms are raging in their lives.  What’s more, you may be experiencing some of that darkness too.  It’s ok to reach out to a trusted friend.  Jesus said, “feed my sheep.”  Let’s make sure that we do.

See y’all on Sunday. 

God bless,
